Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome to class!

I want to welcome you to my class and my course blog. If you are new to the world of weblogs, or "blogs" as they are often called, here are a few simple tips. Blogs function as syndicated news feeds, not unlike podcasts or your news feed on Facebook. The best way to keep track of information in a blog is to subscribe to its feed. There are a variety of ways you can do this. Many browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer have built in mechanisms for subscribing to a blog. Another good way to stay on top of your blog subscriptions is by using Google Reader (this is what I use) although you will need a Google email (gmail) account. Gmail accounts are free and make available a wide array of services from the megatechmonster in San Francisco. The simplest way to follow the blog is to just bookmark the page.

You will also notice that I have embedded a course calendar below. You can navigate through it and click on days to find what assignments are due then. This embedded calendar will be the MOST up-to-date calendar for this course.  Additionally, you will find a link to the syllabus on the right.

I will post regularly (several times a week) to this blog. On it you will find additional information about lectures and assignments as well as outside images, videos, and assorted links. This blog should also work reliably on your iPhone or Blackberry.