Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Day After (1983)

Our friends, the Taliban:

Be All That You Can Be! (1986)

Yakoff Smirnoff comedy skit:

We return to Berlin:

The big collapse:

Study terms for the final exam (Textbook)

These are the terms from the textbook. You will have seen other terms in the lectures that also appear in your textbook, but are not listed here. If they were in the lecture, I will still test on them. Of course, your notes and the blog can help you out to formulate a list of lecture terms. Most of what you find here are terms that I did NOT mention in class.

Chapter 23
Long Telegram (George Kennan)
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
Taft-Hartley Bill

Chapter 24
Thurgood Marshall
Brown v. Board of Education
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Massive Resistance
Direct Action

Chapter 25
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Barry Goldwater
Great Society
Rachel Carson and Silent Spring
silent majority

Chapter 26
My Lai

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ah, the Carter Years: America Comes to Grip With Some Hard Realities

1968 Pontiac GTO ad

1973 OPEC Oil Embargo

A piece when they did away with the 1973 55 MPH Speed Limit in the 1990s

The AMC Gremlin

another Gremlin ad!

Evacuation of the Embassy in Saigon, 30 April 1975

The Embassy in Tehran

Carter's "crisis of confidence" or "malaise" speech.

The 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow - Who is missing here (hint: THE USA!)

This after the 1980 Lake Placid Games featuring the "Miracle" hockey upset!

The 1980 Election

And, of course, who could forget Operation Eagle Claw?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The 1970s and Backlash Politics

We've spent a lot of time looking at how media images were important in shaping public opinion and the overall course of events in both the Cold War and the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 60s. By the 1970s, these media images had taken on a new dimension. Combined with the actions of the Warren and Burger Court, these images created an environment ripe for backlash politics.

But first, here is the companion site for the Wallace documentary, which you should have viewed by now. It is back up on Blackboard for two more weeks.

Dirty Harry: Do you feel lucky?

Jerry Falwell: Old Time Christian Gospel Hour

The Congress and the Supreme Court were busy trying to address civil liberties, rights, and poverty during the late 1960s and early 1970s, and a lot of their actions, however well intentioned, created a great deal of backlash - the sort of backlash you saw in the Wallace video. Here are just a few topics that we will look at

Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
The Fair Housing Act
Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971)
Title IX (1972)
Roe v. Wade (1973) Do I even need a link?
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education (1974)
Section 8 Vouchers (1974)