Sunday, September 27, 2009

Class Tomorrow


I received an email from a student regarding study guides and such and I felt it germane to post my reply to this blog for all to read:

"As the terms go on the blog, if you can describe, contextualize, identify the relevance of what is listed, that is what I want you to study from the book. For instance, you don't see Emma Goldman listed there but you do see Margaret Sanger. A-ha! you should say - I will not ask you about Emma Goldman, and you would be right. The purpose of the list is so that you can narrow down what you have learned from the book. Your lectures will require you to have notes. There isn't going to be any further sort of comprehensive study guide for the exam, but of course, tomorrow would be a good day to bring in your questions."

Tomorrow's class will depend entirely upon you to ask and answer questions about the material.  Come prepared. Do not come in and say "give me a basic recap of your lecture on the Progressives." You should have notes from the lectures, you should have read your chapters. Be ready. Invariably, people waste these review sessions because they fail to study until the night before or perhaps the morning of an exam. I will not spend the class period reviewing material without some sort of accurate questions. Moreover, I'll be expecting you to help out your classmates. Think of class tomorrow as a moderated review session.

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